Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yay Im back

Hopefully in the coming weeks I will be using this blog to try and get back into gaming once again, recording my adventures, so feel free to follow or comment on what you would like to see!

Also keep an eye out on my new forum im in the process of setting up!

Blue Lake Gaming Forums!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Assassins Creed Brotherhood DLC


Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Classic Game - Gran Turismo 2 - PSX

With the imminent release of Gran Turismo 5 I thought it was time to revisit what some still regard the pinnacle of the series.

Gran Turismo 2 is the kind of game you choose to take along if you’re planning to be stranded on a desert island for the rest of your life. (Be sure to remember the Playstation. You’ll also need some kind of machine to convert coconuts to electricity.) The depth built into GT2 is nearly absurd, almost as if, once finished with their product, Polyphony jammed the remaining space on the disc with extras until the CD was completely full. This depth is couched in a beautiful package that is both easy to learn and difficult to master, the perfect curve of gaming erudition. The only flaw is that, while the game itself is deep, the gameplay is not so varied. If you are not a great fan of racing games, you will most likely grow bored with this game before you come close to completing every last corner of it. Still, it offers a solid hundred hours of entertainment for even the average player, and for the racing lover, it is an achievement of stunning proportions.

The first thing you’ll be astonished by is sheer variety of cars, you can find minivans, compacts, low-class Japanese and Korean cars -- the kind of stuff you might have on your garage or parked out on the street. But at the same time we have rare birds like the Lister Storm, Dodge Viper, and TVR Tuscan; these are powerful automobiles topping 500 or even 1000 horsepower. It’s a crazy combination of everyday vehicles and supercars that lends the game a feeling of verisimilitude and completeness. It’s also a joy to drive in a video game the car you drive in real life, and unless you’re very wealthy or drive some kind of rally vehicle, the Gran Turismo series is probably your only chance to do so. Notably missing from GT2 are the big three European sports-car makers -- Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Porsche -- but their lack is not really felt due to the inclusion of equally excellent but less well known manufacturers and tuners from countries as diverse as England, Belgium, Australia, Japan, and the United States.

The arcade mode allows you to enjoy racing many of these vehicles on any of the game’s more than twenty courses. However, the real meat of the game is the simulation mode, and it is here that racing fans will spend hundreds and hundreds of hours. Beginning with just 10,000 dollars and no car, you work your way up the ladder, racing to win money and buy new cars. You can also take your current ride to the shop and upgrade it with all kinds of performance-enhancing parts: turbochargers, tires, new brakes, and suspensions, virtually anything you can dream up. The racing itself is nearly flawless. Precise handling is present throughout the lineup of vehicles, but the way in which cars handle around tight corners or hairpin bends differs significantly. When you switch from one drivetrain type to another, i.e. real-wheel to front-wheel drive, it’s almost like having to learn the game all over again. Nevertheless, the game is well-designed to encourage skilled power-sliding and early braking, just as in real life.

The music here is nothing spectacular, mostly a collection of thumping rock tunes along with some synthesized electronica. It’s often drowned out by engine noises and tire squeals anyway. The main problem, though, is that in a game of such length it’s impossible for a soundtrack not to grow repetitive. On a disc packed tight with cars and courses, one can hardly expect the inclusion of enough music to accompany a hundred or a hundred fifty hours of play. It’s purely forgettable, but it serves its purpose well enough -- music is not an essential part of what Gran Turismo is trying to create. At least while you’re racing. More memorable than the racing tunes, in fact, is the menu theme, a light little synthesized piece that doesn’t get too boring as you make vehicle modifications and buy new cars. The whole audio realm is certainly the weak point of the game, but it won’t ever get you down.

The whole experience of GT2, the skyscraper of lifelike simulation that has been built floor by floor, beginning with the cars and continuing with the racing physics, is surmounted by a great radio antenna with the amazing visual presentation it brings us. On courses almost too beautiful to be real, some leafy and green with trees, some amidst the bright lights and deep shadows of urban environments, yet others on racing ovals surrounded by packed grandstands, you’ll be racing cars that simply steal the show from these amazing environments. Full of color and grace, they are truly amazing even as you’re driving, and in replays and menus they look spectacular. Perfectionist details like smoothly curved side mirrors and slightly mirrored headlamps, the soft curves of voluptuous vehicles like the Tuscan Speed 12, and the shining grilles of Mercedes and BMWs accentuate the car bodies, each of which is rendered carefully and uniquely despite their vast number. Truly, these are some of the best visuals on the Playstation, and stack up well against some of what was seen even on the Dreamcast and PS2.

Gran Turismo is a series that has built its reputation on realism in every facet -- graphics, racing, and car selection. The failure to include vehicle damage is a strange clash with this, but otherwise the series prides itself on being true-to-life. Once again in GT2 the creators have succeeded in this goal, creating the most realistic racing simulator yet developed for the Playstation. In terms of pure fun -- and by “fun” I mean the nearly epileptic degree of action and speed demanded by some racing gamers these days -- there are better games than Gran Turismo 2 on the market, certainly. But for the single player looking for a deep, engrossing experience that will truly take over his life for a month or so, Turismo 2 is the tops.

The Classic Game - Alex Kidd in Miracle World

The Classic Game: Game Number 1 Alex Kidd in Miracle World

Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Sega Master System

Welcome to the first of our classic reviews on older games, first up Alex Kidd.

Probably the most famous game in the Alex Kidd series Miracle World is more then likely familiar to anyone born into the late 70's to early 90's that played videogames. AKIMW (Alex Kidd in Miracle World as it will be know for the rest of this article) came built into various Sega Master System Consoles and was a lot of peoples first and or only game for quite some time. In a rather genius move by the boffins at Sega the included the game in built with the hardware, turn the console on and the above screen would greet you, although it did get a cartridge release as well.

Alex Kidd was Sega's attempt at obtaining a mascot to counter Nintendo's Mario and while the character never obtained mainstream success like Nintendo's mascot it was a very competitive figure in Euro/Australian gaming but ultimately Sega would have to wait until Sonic to get there cash cow mascot.

The game at hand though is a very well balanced platformer that has quite a colorful impressive use of the master system's hardware more so considering its an early title in the life of the hardware.

 The aim is very simple; you must travel the land of Radiaxan to save it from the evil rule of Janken the Great and his henchmen. Along the way Alex meets an array of people, each with information about his forgotten past or with a new mission to undertake. Instead of the left-to-right way of structuring levels that so many Master System platform games were accustomed to using at this point, AKIMW used less linear level design. The opening level has you make your way down through a mountain chasm to reach water, another has you flying a helicopter but if you hit an obstacle you plummet into the sea below and have to carry on from there. The castles later in the game are large with rooms full of traps, with shortcuts, secret areas, dead ends, all giving the feeling that you're not on rails, so to speak. This all helps to keep the game from getting repetitive and adds to the charm.

Still a brilliant game today and has aged very well, what other game lets you play Rock, Paper, Scissors?

Alex Kidd Series Games:
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Alex Kidd: High-Tech World
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
BMX Trial: Alex Kidd
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle

The Classic Game - NBA Jam

The Classic Game:  NBA JAM

With EA picking up the rights to the NBA JAM franchise after the shutting of Midway Games, then announcing a new game in the series that's heading to the Wii, this is the perfect game to hit off our second round of the classic game!

The series started out in 1993 with the first entry being an Arcade game and was then followed up with home conversions to the Sega Mega Drive and Super Nintendo in 1994. The game all spawned a lot of home ports with it appearing on various computers and handhelds of the era. In a very well timed move for Midway the world was in the middle of a basketball craze with basketball cards selling in large quantities and with some of the greatest players of the game all playing in the same generation, a good NBA game was always going to sell well.

As a basketball game though NBA Jam was far from the simulation that modern players of NBA live 10 or so are used too, players jumped many times above their own height, making slam dunks that defied both human capabilities and the laws of physics. There were no fouls, free throws, or violations except goal tending and 24 second violations. This meant the player was able to freely shove or elbow his opponent out of the way and run around the court that fast you thought Sonic the hedgehog would appear at any second!(Sorry Nintendo Owners, NBA Jam was more fun on Sega's Console). Jam also was filled with a high level of secrets, letting you play as a whole roster of wacky characters, from Bill Clinton through to Mortal Kombat Characters.

The game is also very memorable for its audio with cult classic quotes filling the roster of in game speech, "Boomshakalaka", "Oh My He's On Fire" and "Is It the Shoes?" are just some of the great quotes that mix in with some of the generations most memorable tunes.

NBA Jam was one of those rare things, you know the type, there was something about it that even avid basketball haters seemed to have great amounts of fun absorbing themselves with, a perfect example is the TV show Top Gear, car haters love it!

With its huge wide appeal this was the game you party played, long before the likes f Rock Band, Buzz, Singstar or Guitar Hero there was NBA Jam and its many ports and sequels, a silly amount of instantly pick up and play fun!

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